All math exams have two sections. Section One is calculator free, weighted at 35%, and has about 7 questions totalling around 50 marks to be answered in 50 minutes. Section Two assumes use of a CAS calculator, weighted at 65%, and has about 11 questions totalling around 100 marks to be answered in 100 minutes.
From 2025, schools will no longer be supplied with both our normal and alternative Unit 1 papers but instead can choose which they wish to buy. Our Alternative Unit 1 paper has reduced content from the last topic and is popular with schools who do not plan to complete an entire unit before their Semester One exams are scheduled. Largely based on the order proposed by SCSA in their Year 11 sample course outlines, the Alternative paper (also available as a Premium Paper) will not examine the following:
If you are the Mathematics coordinator and authorised by your school to make purchases, make sure you have read our Terms of Sale, are aware of Key Dates that specify when papers can be returned to students and then click the button below.
Go to our cost calculator, select your papers and our system will show you the best pricing for your school.
Alternatively, download our paper order form to cost your exams.
Current semester exams and marking keys are supplied in digital form as password protected, ready to print, Word documents. We use the inbuilt Word tools for equations and FX Draw for diagrams. Thus purchasers are able to edit all questions, equations and diagrams.
We recommend using our papers as supplied - our writers have worked hard to produce examinations that are closely mapped to the courses and will allow all students to demonstrate their strengths.
Past papers and their marking keys are supplied as pdf documents.
Take a look at a sample of the opening pages of one of our Math papers.
Unit 1 and Unit 3 papers examine content from just those units, typically taught in Semester One. Units 1&2 and Units 3&4 papers examine content from both units taught over the whole year, with an equal weighting to content from both units.
Individual schools involved in small group moderation each purchase their own copy of a paper using our small course enrolment pricing. Our Terms of Sale do not permit schools to share our papers with any other school.
Any paper bought using small course enrolment pricing does not qualify for any further discounts (eg quantity discount) when bought with other papers.
Schools can opt to purchase Premium or Regular Math Semester Papers. Read about the unique features of our Premium Papers and our guarantee to further ensure the validity of your school assessments here.
Our new optional Reward Program gives schools that have ordered Mathematics Semester Papers early access to them, so that teachers can report any typos, errors, or other issues they find and receive a monetary reward.
Many schools add their crest/logo to the cover page of our exams, but we can do that task for you. Simply email our office a high quality copy of your logo and your customised papers will be supplied with logo in place, at no extra cost.
Schools can opt to have a mark recording table included in current semester exams.
Another option that schools can choose is to include ATAR style "DO NOT WRITE IN..." margins in current semester exams.
Schools can choose to download exams as soon as they are available or alternatively opt for a later, more convenient date that is closer to the time your exams are scheduled. As minor typos sometimes come to light after exams are first available, a later download means that they'll be fixed before you take delivery of your papers.
Prefer to place an order using a paper form? Download our order form and then mail or scan and email back to us.
Year 12 Applications Units 3&4 Graph Theory Notes , Guide to the Hungarian Algorithm and Dummy Edges in Project Networks .
Cost calculator and online order form.
Premium v Regular paper information.
Rewards Program for math papers.
Login to get password, download exams or share results.
Key Dates regarding papers.
Terms of Sale that apply to all orders.
Download a Paper Order Form .
Yr12 Apps Graph Theory Notes .
Yr12 Apps Guide to Hungarian Algorithm .
Yr12 Apps Dummy Edges in Proj Networks .
Unique to WA Exam Papers, if you choose our Premium Paper option, we guarantee that in any exam, fewer than half of the questions in your paper will be the same as those in any other exam supplied to any other school.
Our new optional Reward Program gives schools early access to Semester Papers, so that teachers can report any typos, errors, or other issues they find and receive a monetary reward.
Another great feature we offer is the option to anonymously share
the results of your students with those from other schools. Click an image for larger view in popup.
Our past papers are a great resource for schools as they prepare their students for ATAR exams. These papers have been sat by thousands of students from hundreds of schools over the past few years and are now available at greatly discounted prices. Check availability and school pricing here.
This median boxplot shows the distribution of the means of 67 schools has a median of 63. The exam mean was 64. The blue marker at 66 shows the mean of the school cohort of 21 students.
This chart displays an example of historical data for a school for all six courses since the new courses began. Each data point is the calculated difference [School Mean] - [All Schools Mean] for an exam, where the means are in percentage form.
If crest includes school name, then this will not be included on cover page.
Choose to insert a mark recording table on the second page or back cover of 2025 semester exam question papers. If you decide not to use it, select the table, hit delete and that's it - no re-formatting required.
Choose to include ATAR style inner-margins with the wording “DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA AS IT WILL BE CUT OFF” in your papers.
We have no order deadlines - order anytime. Papers, in digital form, will be available for download from our site (or via the Internet File Exchange for DoE schools), usually within one working day of placing an order and subject to our initial delivery date. Semester papers must not be released to students to take home until after the applicable release date. Full details can be found on our Key Dates page.
We want schools to be confident in the use of our examinations to reliably validate the learning of their students. To this end, schools must take great care of our papers until their release date and ensure that staff and students only use the papers for their intended purpose. All purchasers should take time to familiarise themselves with our Terms of Sale.
❖ WA Exam Papers
✉ PO Box 366, SUBIACO, WA 6904
☎ 08 9284 3004
❖ ABN 73 110 721 321