Take advantage of our Premium option when ordering current Semester math papers. We often hear that schools spend time making changes to our regular math exams, just so they know that the questions in their papers will be unique to their school.
Our premium paper option saves schools this additional workload, where we supply schools a unique paper stitched together from several different versions of each question.
Between $8 and $14 more than a regular paper - a small price to pay for such great benefits. Go to our cost calculator, select your papers and our system will show you the best pricing for your school.
Schools involved in small group moderation may all request the same version of a premium paper. The small group leader should email this request to our office before members of the group start placing their orders.
If you choose our Premium Paper option, we guarantee that in any exam, fewer than half of the questions in your paper will be the same as those in any other exam supplied to any other WA school.
The graph below shows the outcome of simulating a school buying a premium paper with 19 questions and comparing the number of questions in common in their paper with papers from another 25 randomly chosen schools.
For example, the paper bought by the school had 3 identical questions to 5 other schools, and no more than 7 identical questions with any of the 25 schools.
If you are authorised by your school to make purchases, make sure you have read our Terms of Sale, are aware of Key Dates that specify when papers can be returned to students and then click the button below.
Cost calculator and online order form.
Rewards Program for math papers.
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Key Dates regarding papers.
Terms of Sale that apply to all orders.
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Our new optional Reward Program gives schools early access to Semester Papers, so that teachers can report any typos, errors, or other issues they find and receive a monetary reward.